Joining the club is easy, whether or not you have any gliding experience.
Anyone considering joining is welcome to visit the airfield on a flying day to see flying activities first hand.
Most prospective members start with a Trial Lesson Flight or a short Mini-Course, both of which include 30 days temporary membership. Then, if the gliding bug has bitten, they can apply for full annual membership.
All flying members are entitled to receive free instruction appropriate to their level of skill from absolute novice onwards.
Temporary Membership
Temporary members can fly on the same basis, and for the same costs, as full members. This means that they can turn up on a flying day and add their name to the list of those wishing to fly that day.
Launches are allocated in the order of sign-up to this flying list.
DGC keeps costs low by running operations cooperatively. All members (including temporary members) are expected to help with all aspects of running the airfield, including setting up before flying starts, helping launch other members during the day, and returning aircraft and vehicles to the hangars at the end of the day.
Full Membership
Details of current membership and flying fees can be found here.
As explained above, to keep costs low all members are expected to play a part in running flying operations when not themselves flying. Copies of the Membership Application form and DGC Members Booklet can be downloaded using the links opposite.
Junior Membership
Junior membership covers all those under the age of 18 and students in full-time education below the age 25, and special rates are offered to junior members. Click here for further Junior Membership details.
Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC)
Darlton Gliding Club believes that cost should not be a barrier to taking an active part in gliding and therefore, using the Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) regulations for reference and considering each case on its individual merits, the Club Committee will give consideration to applications from club members who find the club’s standard tariff to be challenging.
Click here to download DGC’s CASC Policy.
Further Information
Click to download DGC’s renowned New Members booklet, commended by Gliding International and now adopted by several other British Gliding Clubs.
Application Forms
Full Membership Temporary Membership Member’s Guest Form